depression: The silent killer

Ever felt restless, and disoriented? Even felt confused or absent minded? a pinch of sadness with a drop of inferiority- that's depression
     It's practically a disorder that feeds on your thoughts and swallows your self esteem and pride whole, it drains you till you're nothing but ashes or a mere name on a grave stone.
   Sadly we allow it, we allow this disease, disorder,monster menace, to control, to dictate us, we start over thinking, creating problems that aren't there, deducing information that doesn't exist, we slowly lose our self confidence and dignity, we lose ourselves.
       But, that monster, that menace doesn't stop there, it feeds on our insecurities fueling negativity and pessimism, it makes us look down on ourselves, blurring the line between black and white. our reality disappears, us fading into an illusional world whose only objective -is our destruction
        At first it seems like nothing we cry a little more, become more sensitive, we pay attention to what people say a lot, then we become more self conscious, no longer contented with this version of ourselves,there's That spark that ignites, us wanting to fit in more,continuously pointing out our flaws,slowly we lose interest in life, that's what depression does -it clouds our judgement.
    Not everyone understands that, understands the victims of depression, they travel to their own judgmental world, not contented with the one they have here, late nights,spent trying to figure out a puzzle that doesn't exist, they only realise they've lost themselves when it's too late..
         When nothing can be salvaged, when they're too lost in the abyss, to engaged in condemning themselves, to concerned with what the world has to say, that's when they start to think, they're worthless a waste of space retarded and incompetent.
    Sixty percent of individuals that suffer from depression are victims of abuse and majorly suffer from PTSD(post traumatic stress disorder) some become violent schizophrenics- people who hallucinate,loosing touch from reality and engage in isolation.
    The remaining forty percent of individuals are social outcasts or people who suffer from anxiety. The saddest part is that every 3 in 5 teenagers suffer from depression, either due to bullying abuse or even cyber bullying, though I would rather not go further into the topic of bullying for now.
     These people,these teenagers, they want help, they need help, they just don't have the courage to speak up, for fear that people won't understand, they don't have the strength to move on, because they believe there's no reason to,they are wrong, dead wrong.
   Let's be the voice of the voiceless, let's be the call to reality they've been waiting for, the contrast That eliminates the blur, the realisation has to dawn on them, we can't let them wither like flowers,we Need to water give them, the one thing they lack 'hope'.
   To anyone out there, who needs to hear this, I don't know what you are going through or have gone through, I don't know the source of your pain, I don't know the thoughts plaguing your mind, I don't know how many memories have scarred you, but I know one thing, you are valued,you are important, you are beautiful, unique,talented,and if the world gives you ten thousand reasons to give up, find that one reason, it's there,grasp it, hold on to life, because if you let go, you can never come back you'll end up as a name on a gravestone with a 'gone too soon' engraved on it, don't cross that line, you'll regret it, no matter how sad you are, no matter what you've been through I don't know, I can't understand your pain, because I haven't seen life through your eyes, but you need to hear this, keep living, keep fighting, you'll look back on the memories one day and smile, because you are a warrior that can fight through this, there's no battle you can't win, even if it's against your mind,
    Listen, life's too beautiful to hang on to ugly memories, don't take your past with you, don't let your memories control you, you're better than that, 'too those people that called you Fat and ugly, ignore them, don't let them fuel their low self esteem with your tears. To those who laughed or pointed fingers, smile at them, because no matter what they do or say, no matter how hard they try, they cannot break you, that something you do yourself, you are special, yes you have your have your flaws, but if you look beyond that image you have grown to hate, that version of yourself you detest,that person you constantly condemned, you'll see a priceless person, one that's unique talented and special one that is begging for a chance, just one chance to fight to survive to get through this, you'll see a priceless person with unique talents  you'll see you! ❤


  1. Thanks I'm glad you liked it! 😊

  2. I'm glad you liked it, kindly share so it can reach more people! Many people need to read it and realise how depression eats them up slowly but whole


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